🍎 Get your sheets turned in! Finishing the campaign & 2023

Happy holidays!

Whole Washington is working to collect every signature and petition sheet we can before the December 30th deadline. If you have any sheets with signatures on them, please get them turned in as soon as possible! Even if the sheet only has a single signature, please try to get it back to us.

Turning them into a bin

You can drop off sheets at one of our bin locations, which are listed on wholewashington.org/sign.

Dropping off sheets in a bin requires no postage and makes the recollection and counting process easiest for us, so if you are close to one, this is the preferred way to turn in your sheets.

Mailing them to our PO Box

Sheets can also be mailed to our PO Box. A single petition may be folded in half and have postage directly applied so it can be sent without an envelope as a self-mailer.

However, if you have multiple sheets it is more cost-effective to have them bundled together in a large envelope or small box.

Please send petitions to the address printed on the back of the sheets:

Whole Washington
PO Box 888
Bothell, WA 98041

Next year

The 2023 legislative session begins in January and Whole Washington is gearing up for a big push. We are working to introduce The Washington Health Trust into the state House and Senate and need your help to meet with our legislators to find cosponsors.

Please use this link to write to your legislators asking them to cosponsor The Washington Health Trust and for a meeting to discuss how we can move it forward in 2023. If you are able to get a meeting, Whole Washington can send a representative to accompany you and help facilitate a productive conversation.

Write to your legislators

Andre Stackhouse Whole Washington Campaign Director
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