
Fill out the form to endorse Whole Washington's campaign for Universal Healthcare for Washington State and beyond.


1st Legislative District Democrats website

10th Legislative District Democrats website

14th Legislative District Democrats

15th Legislative District Democrats

19th Legislative District Democrats website

20th Legislative District Democrats

23rd Legislative District Democrats

24th Legislative District Democrats

30th Legislative District Democrats website

31st Legislative District Democrats website

33rd Legislative District Democrats website

34th Legislative District Democrats website

37th Legislative District Democrats website

39th Legislative District Democrats website

43rd Legislative District Democrats website

48th Legislative District Democrats website

49th Legislative District Democrats website

Aberdeen City Council website

Green Party of Washington website

Indivisible Bainbridge Island website

Indivisible Bremerton website

Jefferson County Democrats website

King Country Democrats website

Kitsap County Democrats website

NAYA Action Fund website

North Kitsap Indivisible website

North Sound Democratic Socialists of America website

Our Revolution website

Our Revolution Washington website

"The Party for Socialism and Liberation of Washington State endorses Whole Washington because healthcare is a human right. The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed how poorly our for-profit healthcare system handles crises, with private insurance companies making record profits off of our suffering. Working people need a healthcare system which serves them, not insurance companies. Following the Supreme Court’s unprecedented attack on reproductive rights, it is more important than ever to expand healthcare access and ensure abortion access."

Party for Socialism and Liberation of Washington State website

"Just as a socialist movement passed Medicare first in the small rural province of Saskatchewan in Canada, a socialist movement in Washington state can be the first foothold where we win single payer Medicare for All."

Seattle DSA website

Seattle Green Party website

Seattle Indivisible website

"Like housing, like mobility, high quality health care should be a human right. The Transit Riders Union is proud to endorse Whole Washington to advance the cause of universal health care in Washington state."

Seattle Transit Riders Union website

"SMASH endorses Whole Washington’s work to ensure everyone has access to the healthcare they need without having to face financial, demographic or situational barriers. Universal healthcare would mean Washington state residents would not have to choose between basic needs, such as food or housing, and getting medical attention. Ultimately this effort will lead to healthier, more vibrant communities, which is a win for all of us."

SMASH (Seattle Musicians Access to Sustainable Healthcare) website

Snohomish County Democrats website

Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace (SPEEA) website

Students for a Democratic Society at UW website

Sunrise Tacoma website

Tacoma DSA website

Tacoma IWW website

"We support universal healthcare for all."

Tenants Union of Washington State website

Thurston County Democrats website

Washington ADAPT West website


“We fully endorse your campaign and would like to connect our supporters with ways they can
get engaged and support the fight for universal healthcare in WA."

Washington Poor People's Campaign website

Washington State Federation of Democratic Women: Salish Sea Chapter website

"The Young Democrats of Island County (YDIC) endorses Whole Washington because universal, quality, accessible healthcare is a human right! Universal single payer health insurance, that covers everyone, is the only way to guarantee that right."

Young Democrats of Island County website

Washington State

"Every person should have access to healthcare when they need it. This shouldn't be about your employer, or your bank account, or where you live - just universal access to healthcare for everyone. Other countries have figured this out, why can't we?"

Derek Stanford Washington State Senate 1st Legislative District

"I campaigned on and fought for universal healthcare since my first election in 2004. Now, the COVID crisis has exposed the inequities in our current healthcare system as well as broad inequities throughout our social systems and brought these issues to a head. These crises have created the opportunity to actually achieve structural systems changes. Now's the time push for it. "

Bob Hasegawa Washington State Senate 11th Legislative District

"I support Whole Washington because when I was at Cornell University, my mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer at a time my family did not have health insurance. The subsequent medical bills crippled my family financially. I will fight for healthcare for all because I know how it feels to lose the person who loves you the most in this world and suffer a family financial crisis at the same time. Affordable, quality healthcare is a right, not a privilege."

David Hackney Washington State House of Representatives 11th Legislative District, Position 1

Healthcare for profit is literally killing and/or bankrupting our friends and families. The situation in rural Washington is even more dire with LD 19 having the shortest life expectancy in the state. Hospitals are struggling and healthcare providers are few and far between. The profit centers who are thriving in our suffering are deeply embedded in our political system.

Mike Coverdale Candidate for Washington State House of Representatives 19th Legislative District, Position 1

"The COVID-19 crisis has shown clearly that employer-based health care doesn't work when millions face unemployment, we need universal, single-payer health care to ensure everyone in our state has equitable access to the care they need."

Marko Liias Washington State Senate 21st Legislative District

I strongly support Whole Washington! If elected, I will sponsor and work to pass a robust, single-payer, universal health care plan modeled after Whole Washington's bill, the Washington Health Trust! Please support Whole Washington!

Syd Locke Candidate Washington State House of Representatives LD 22, Position 2

Tarra Simmons Washington State House of Representatives 23rd Legislative District, Position 1

Steve Tharinger Washington State House of Representatives 24th Legislative District, Position 2

I support Whole Washington because I believe it is our moral obligation to provide universal, single payer healthcare to all. Our current system dominated by for profit insurance industries is fundamentally unjust to providers and communities alike. We can do better!

Devin Rydel Kelly Candidate Washington State House of Representatives 27th LD, Position 2

"I support Whole Washington because every Washingtonian, regardless of age, race, gender, income, or immigration status, deserves high-quality, affordable healthcare. It’s a basic human need. We’ve made some progress in our state, but there is more to do."

Julia Reed Washington State House of Representatives 36th Legislative District, Position 1

"I support Whole Washington because I believe health care is a right, not a privilege. Like many, my family has been denied basic health care coverage by our insurance company too many times to count. Let me be clear: this must end. I will fight in the legislature to make health care affordable and accessible to all."

Liz Berry Washington State House of Representatives 36th Legislative District, Position 2

I fully support Whole Washington because they are fighting for a comprehensive, equitable and much more cost effective healthcare system. We have so much waste within the system and most of it is due to the influence of the for profit Medical Industrial Complex. Their interference in the delivery of healthcare is a waste that we can no longer afford. There are much more important issues that we can use that money to solve.

Kathryn Lewandowsky Candidate Washington State House of Representatives LD 39, Position 1

"Now more than ever we face a medical crisis that impacts our entire nation. We saw the young, the old, the rich, and the poor battling an epidemic that took down our nation. Now more than ever we need to ensure that we have health care that is provided for all."

Debra Lekanoff Washington State House of Representatives 40th Legislative District, Position 1

"Everyone in Washington deserves equitable access to the healthcare they need. Employer based care leaves far too many people falling through the cracks with inequitable and often tragic results. I'm convinced we can do better."

Alex Ramel Washington State House of Representatives 40th District, Position 2

"Too often, the people of Washington State are put in the position to choose between paying for healthcare or supporting their families. Healthcare is a right, not a privilege. I was proud to support the Pathway to Universal Healthcare at the legislature this past session and I will continue to champion removing barriers to health as part of our quality of life, providing equity in our system for People of Color and our LGBTQ neighbors, and moving towards a Universal Healthcare system."

Elizabeth Lovelett Washington State Senate 40th Legislative District

My-Linh Thai Washington State House of Representatives 41st Legislative District, Position 2

"Healthcare is a human right. As Public Policy Director at Disability Rights Washington, I have seen firsthand how inequities in our healthcare system bring harm to our communities. Together, we have the opportunity to make Washington a place where everyone will not only be able to survive, but thrive. I wholeheartedly support Whole Washington."

Darya Farivar Washington State House of Representatives 46th Legislative District, Position 2

“Our nation’s promise that we are all endowed with ‘unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,’ will never be fulfilled unless we recognize that health care is a right. Washington should lead the way in exploring and demonstrating how every resident of our State can be assured that they and their loved ones will not die or suffer solely due to lack of access to quality health care. As a faculty member at the University of Washington School of Public Health, I strive to help students understand that the social determinants of health start with poverty and race, which determine access to healthcare and the likelihood that someone will suffer needless illness and die early. The Washington Health Trust offers a concept we should be exploring to use progressive taxes on wealth – which I am confident will be largely supported by the wealthiest residents of our state if they are used for health care – coupled with payroll taxes on large employers who do not provide health care benefits today.”

Gerry Pollet Washington State House of Representative 46th Legislative District, Position 1

I support Whole Washington because healthcare is a human right, yet communities like mine are already a healthcare desert and our current system is working less and for fewer people and businesses. We need real, transformative, and reliable care so that no matter your zip code or circumstances, your access to healthcare shouldn't be determined based on how "profitable" or expendable you are. When we all do better, we all do better.

Kristiana de Leon Candidate Washington State House of Representatives LD 5, Position ?


"I support Whole Washington because it is time to take healthcare as a human right into our own hands. As a public health professional and EMT, I have seen the failings of our current health systems on both the systemic and personal levels. The threat of medical debt should never prevent someone from seeking medical care, and profit-driven healthcare systems do not serve the best interests of all our communities. Universal healthcare approaches (like Whole Washington) have proven effective in most of the developed world, save money, and don't leave out obvious areas of medical need, such as dental and reproductive health. Not only will it eliminate many barriers to care that Washingtonians experience due to cost or convoluted insurance practices, but it will save our state billions of dollars.To achieve Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, health for all must be a priority."

Chris Goodwin Clark County Charter Review Commission District 1, Position 3

“I support Whole Washington because I believe health care is a human right not a commodity. Saving lives and relieving pain and suffering should not depend upon people's ability to pay. The current system is broken and leaves too many people behind.”

Dave Upthegrove King County Councilmember King County, 5th District

Girmay Zahilay King County Council District 2

"I endorse Whole Washington and I support its efforts because a person's access to health care should NOT be dependent on what job they have or employment status."

John Latta Councilor, Clark County Charter Review Commission

"Our current system leaves so many Washingtonians vulnerable--healthcare is a human right. I support Whole Washington because we must strengthen our healthcare systems to serve everyone efficiently, effectively, and equitably without dire financial consequences."

Teresa Mosqueda County Councilmember King County, District 8


"I support Whole Washington because our Navigators working with the RADAR program needs to be able to count on connecting people with the help they need. Mental health services, substance abuse treatment services, accessible and affordable healthcare are necessary for public safety and decriminalizing poverty and substance abuse. Washingtonians need Whole Washington to be successful, for those of us who struggle most and to prevent the rest of us from falling into hard times."

Jenne Alderks City Council Bothell, Position 3

"As someone who grew up on state-assisted healthcare and currently has aging parents who still have to navigate the state and federal assistance for healthcare I know firsthand how stressful not having universal healthcare can be. Health care must be recognized as a right, not a privilege. Every family should be able to access the health care they need regardless of their income."

Hugo Garcia City Council Burien, Position 1

"I support Whole Washington because when my spouse was critically ill, the 'only' thing I had to worry about was the fear that I might lose the love of my life. Because I had employer insurance, I did not have to worry that his care and treatment would bankrupt us. No one should have to worry about that. Health care should not be tied to employment status."

Sarah Moore City Council Burien, Position 5

"Healthcare is a Human Right!"

Carin Chase School Board Director Edmonds, District 1

Healthcare is a human right! Let's get single payer healthcare done in Washington.

Jon Culver City Council Kenmore, Position 5

"Healthcare should be a right, not a privilege. There should be no barriers to healthcare access. Everyone deserves high quality comprehensive healthcare. I fully support Universal Healthcare and thank Whole Washington for its efforts to make this a reality in Washington State."

Melanie O'Cain City Council Kenmore, Position 1

"Healthcare is a human right. Whole Washington is an important step towards universal healthcare in Washington!"

Nigel Herbig City Council Kenmore, Position 4

"Everybody deserves access to healthcare, healthcare strengthens rather than weakens our physical and economic health."

Clark Gilman Olympia City Council

Ruth Perez City Council Renton

Iris Guzman City Council SeaTac, Position 6

Senayet Negusse City Council SeaTac, Position 1

Tammy Morales City Council Seattle, District 2

Leatta Dahlhoff City Council Tumwater, Position 1, Mayor Pro Tem

Healthcare Providers

Green Lake Health Center Seattle website

"I support Whole Washington's universal health plan because it expands access to health services for my patients. This initiative will save lives and improve the health of our state."

Scott Hippe MD Chelan website

Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility website


"I support Whole Washington because healthcare is a right and we should all have access to comprehensive care. As a Candidate for School Director, kids are my top priority. When families don't have to worry about potential financial ruin resulting from a single medical event or circumstance, they are better able to support their children's education and learning."

Better Left Podcast Sarah Smith, Executive Producer website

"I support Whole Washington because...state-based single-payer programs such as the well-designed one proposed by Whole Washington would create substantial momentum toward national #M4A."

Bonnie B. Firestone President, CEO Executive Information Systems, Inc.

"A healthy citizenry is in the best interest of our country, our state, and our communities. Public health is fundamental to our ability to be competitive in business, innovate and advance in science and culture, and should be among our top priorities both as a matter of practicality and moral imperative."

Green Ronin Publishing Nicole Lindroos website

We support Whole Washington because access to healthcare is a basic human right. Hamesh works to ensure that Disabled People can access healthcare and complex systems that weren't built for us- this lack of access is an intentional barrier that is actively hurting marginalized communities. We have directly experienced healthcare inequity and it is time to demand action so everyone -not just affluent, white, or able people- can access comprehensive healthcare. Disabled people are not expendable; make our healthcare systems accessible!

EC Caucci, Founder Hamesh Disability Advocacy and Accessibility Consultation website

"As fans of science fiction and fantasy, we love good stories. What sort of story do we want to live in?

Do we want to live in a dystopia where people are chained to jobs they hate to keep their insurance? Where people are buried in debt because they or a loved one gets really sick?

We don’t have to wait for skittish politicians to give us permission to change our story. We endorse Whole Washington, because we can choose a not-for-profit single payer system that covers everyone. We can live up to the ideal that healthcare is a fundamental human right. We just have to want it.

Radio vs. the Martians website

"I support Whole Washington's Single Payer Healthcare plan because I want all of my employees to have access to affordable, common-sense health care. Small businesses can rarely afford to provide health care to our employees. That makes the risk of owning a small business that much greater. It also further widens the competition gap between small business and corporate giants."

Sean Lee President, Seven Coffee Roasters website

"As someone who is an artist, access to affordable healthcare looms over my head daily. Just having the money to afford the prescriptions I need to stay alive makes it hard to focus my art."

Sylvia's Rainbow Bingo website

"Now is the time to heal our communities and invest healthcare funding into direct care services, not the administration of an unfair, expensive, profit-driven system. Our small business and the communities we support will benefit."

The Ally League website

"Health is a fundamental human right."

VTD Rail Consulting Thomas White, Owner

"I appreciate everything Whole Washington is doing. Tying healthcare to employment and putting insurance companies in control of patient outcomes is insane. The fact that the people we elect to represent us are in reality representing their corporate sponsors is maddening. Hopefully you/we can open enough eyes to change that."

Mike Coverdale, Designated Broker website

Former Candidates/Elected Officials

"I support Whole Washington because I'm a cancer survivor, business owner, and mom. All our WA residents deserve quality healthcare."

Liz Hallock Candidate Washington State House of Representatives 14th Legislative District, Position 2

"I believe that health care is a human right. I personally have have two major medical issues that impacted my life and almost out me in financial ruin. I have also watched others in my family, and many of my students’ families, suffer with medical debt when I believe we don’t need to. I see how universal healthcare has been implemented in other countries and believe that we need to do the same here. Everyone should have access to the care they need without the risk of going bankrupt."

John Zingale Candidate Washington State House of Representatives 18th Legislative District, Position 1

"I support Whole Washington because health care is a fundamental human right and no one should go bankrupt due to a health issue. Mental health services should not be so difficult to obtain."

Cara Cusack Candidate Washington State House of Representatives 19th Legislative District, Position 2

"I support Whole Washington because we are never truly free when we don't have the right to keep ourselves and our families healthy without going into debt. Washington state has always been the home of innovation, so let's show the country that this can be done!"

Kelli Hughes-Ham Candidate Washington State House of Representatives 19th Legislative District, Position 1

"Healthcare is a basic right. If we have learned anything form the pandemic, it is that our healthcare system is woefully inadequate. One should not have to have a job to get healthcare or lose healthcare when losing a job."

Sam Hunt Retired from Washington State Senate 22nd Legislative District

"I support Whole health Washington because as a physician I have seen the financial difficulties many patients have to endure to receive health care. Numerous and varied third parties also complicate the job of medical providers and drive up overall costs."

Patricia Weber Candidate Washington State Senate 32nd Legislative District

"I support Whole Washington because no Washington resident should go bankrupt or lose their home because of a health emergency. Nobody should wait months, like I had to after a trauma, to access behavioral healthcare services. We deserve a healthcare system that prioritizes people over profits."

Leah Griffin Candidate Washington State House of Representatives 34th Legislative District, Position 1

"I support Whole Washington because they believe in Universal Healthcare and I truly believe that healthcare is a right, not a privilege. With Whole Washington and their advocacy, we have a better chance at the reality of Universal Healthcare in our lifetime!"

James DeHart Candidate Washington State House of Representatives 35th Legislative District, Position 1

"I support Whole Washington because I believe all of us should have access to affordable and equitable health care."

Emijah Smith Candidate Washington State House of Representatives 37th Legislative District, Position 2

"Our state and country needed universal healthcare long before COVID-19 - but this pandemic has shown in that our need for healthcare for all cannot wait any longer. I strongly support Whole Washington's mission to provide universal healthcare to all Washingtonians as our country and state works toward true single payer universal healthcare for every adult and child in this country. "

Kirsten Harris-Talley Washington State House of Representatives 37th Legislative District, Position 2

"I support Whole Washington because health care is a human right and should be easily accessible to create equitable and thriving society. It is my responsibility as a representative of my constituents to ensure that access to health care is provided. I will work alongside you to strengthen our state, regional, and local public health delivery systems, including mental health."

Emily Wicks Washington State House of Representatives 38th Legislative District, Position 1

"I support Whole WA because everyone deserves to have access to healthcare without financial restriction or burden. When we're all healthy and safe, we all thrive."

Jessica Wadhams Candidate Washington State House of Representatives 39th Legislative District, Position 2

"Our country spends more per capita and gets worse results than similar countries with universal coverage. It’s time to make healthcare better, more equitable, more affordable and less stressful. When you get sick you should be focused on getting better, not stressing about healthcare."

Sharon Shewmake Washington State House of Representatives 42nd Legislative District, Position 2

"Health care must be seen as a fundamental human right! As a leader in the creation of Washington State's Apple Health program and the Medicaid expansion, I support the need for a new dynamic in providing health care for call. This is all the more evident in the time of the COVID pandemic."

Frank Chopp Retired from Washington State House of Representatives 43rd Legislative District, Position 2

Javier Valdez Washington State House of Representatives 46th Legislative District, Position 2

"The founders of our country all agreed that we are endowed by our Creator with “certain unalienable rights and among those rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. Good health and the best care we can get to maintain it are absolutely among those human rights! Whole Washington is the best chance we’ve ever had of solidifying that right."

Alan Richrod Aberdeen City Council

"I want our city to be a welcoming city for all and to help with homelessness."

James Jeyaraj Auburn City Council Position 3

Corina Pfeil City Council Kenmore, Position 7

"I support Whole Washington because healthcare is a right and we should all have access to comprehensive care. As a Candidate for School Director, kids are my top priority. When families don't have to worry about potential financial ruin resulting from a single medical event or circumstance, they are better able to support their children's education and learning."

Sarah Johnson School Board Director Monroe, District 4

I support Whole Washington because every human being on this plant is deserving of affordable access to addressing their health needs.

Ry Armstrong Candidate Seattle City Council District 3

"My campaign is proud to stand with Whole Washington, and will support policies to advance their goal of establishing universal healthcare if elected to the Seattle City Council."

Andrew Lewis City Council Seattle, District 7

Kshama Sawant City Council Seattle, District 3

"Go Whole Washington - everyone must have high‑quality, comprehensive healthcare!"

Lisa Herbold City Council Seattle, District 1

"I support Whole Washington because health care is a right and not a privilege. As a school board director candidate, I recognize that our students (and their families!) need to have access to accessible and affordable health care to be good learners."

Vivian Song Maritz School Board Director Seattle, District 4

"Single payer healthcare goes a long way toward making us all better people physically, mentally, and spiritually."

Susan Boundy-Sanders City Council Woodinville, Position 5