Pledge to Sign in 2025

Pledge to sign Whole Washington ballot initiative for universal healthcare

This is a digital pledge and not a signature for any initiative campaign - you still need to sign in person to have it count towards getting something on the ballot.

Your personal information will not be shared, sold, or used for anything other than contacting you to inform you when you can sign to get universal healthcare on the ballot and how - or how to get involved as a signature gatherer if you indicate an interest in that on the form below.

Whole Washington is committed to passing universal healthcare for Washington and the United States of America. Check out Our Strategies for how we're planning to do this.

Please sign this pledge to indicate that you support the following:

  • You support the passage of universal healthcare statewide in Washington
  • You support the passage of universal healthcare through a citizen's initiative process
  • You are a registered voter willing to physically sign Whole Washington's next universal healthcare ballot initiative if given the opportunity

It requires 405,000 signatures to get universal healthcare on the ballot statewide in Washington - help us collect 50,000 pledges so we have our signatories ready to go the moment we have an initiative for them to sign.

  • Please sign the pledge especially if you are a registered voter in Washington state
  • Please share the pledge on social media and among your networks
  • Whole Washington is using the pledge to sign as part of our “go” criteria for launch of our next initiative. The sooner we get to 50,000 the more likely we will be ready to hit “go” and launch an initiative in 2025 targeting the 2026 ballot.