The Postcard Project

The postcard project is in full swing!

We're sending postcards to our State Senators and Representatives

& asking them to attend the August 10th Universal Health Care Commission Meeting

Please join us in this fun/important/easy activity to increase awareness of the Washington Health Trust bill.

'Do this 1 thing to help us all' cards

'As your constituent, I need universal healthcare...'

Get a batch of 50 of these super snazzy postcards mailed directly to you. Email [email protected] and we'll send a stack your way. We'll even send stamps. Please note there's only a limited supply left.

Make it a Group Effort

These cards are a great excuse for a fun, social group activity. Invite your friends over for wine, cheese, and activism.

You could also set up a table in a park or post up at the local coffee shop with a sign. Or you can carry them around with you and ask your friends and family to participate.

What if I can't get them all filled out by August 10th? you might ask.

NO WORRIES! There will be a recording of the meeting, and we're following up with all the State legislators with details on how to watch. There is no deadline for these cards! The important thing is that they hear from you.

You Can Always Use Your Own Cards Too

A pile of random postcards
Put your postcards to good use

Clean out that drawer, and use whatever cards you have on hand. They're great for this.

Where to Send?

  1. Pull up the District Finder and enter your address
  2. Click on Find My District
  3. You’ll see your State District Legislators in the lower left of your desktop or under Legislative District Number on your phone
    • (Ignore Congressional District for this) 
  4. Click on the names to see contact info
  5. Use the Olympia address (not the district address)

What to Say?

Include your name, your neighborhood, and/or what you do --anything to identify you as their constituent

Then, briefly tell your healthcare story:

  • My deductible is so high, it's like I don't have insurance.
  • Medical bills have ruined my credit and stolen my savings.
  • I haven't been to the dentist in years. 

Finally, demand action.

  • Be brave and pass universal healthcare now!
  • We can't continue to delay. We are not well. 
  • This legislation saves money and lives! You were elected to help us!

Go the extra mile

Take photos! Email it to [email protected] and/or post it to social media.

@SenNoelFrame I volunteer at the Crisis line and hear people's struggles without healthcare

Tag your elected officials. Use hashtags like:


Some final tips

  • We recommend using black felt-tip markers over ballpoint pens. Postcards can be glossy and ink doesn't work as well.
  • Postcard stamps are $.51 each.
  •  You've done the work, now don't forget to get them in the mail right away! Don't let them die on your counter, ok?

A Humble Request

Would you consider donating to this project? Postage can really add up! We appreciate your support & generosity.