🍎 New meeting schedule, legislative strategy team, board meeting video

First, this is a reminder that our Monday volunteer meeting is tonight at 7 pm β€“ this will be our last meeting on the weekly schedule. We will be keeping the established Monday at 7 pm time but be meeting only on the first Monday of the month.

Fear not, there will be new ways to get involved as part of the formation of our new State Legislative and Federal teams.

State Legislative Team (3/28 at 7 pm)

The first meeting of our new State Legislative Team is tomorrow (Tuesday, March 28th) at 7 pm. The team will be going over the history of legislative efforts to establish universal healthcare in Washington state as well as developing a strategy for advancing our efforts today.

Federal Team: National Improved Medicare for All (3/30 at 6 pm)

Whole Washington is part of a wider healthcare justice movement that is working to pass federal legislation sometimes referred to as National Improved Medicare for All (NIMA). Of our twelve members of the federal Congress, neither of our Senators and only two of our Representatives currently cosponsor Medicare for All.

Join our Federal Team to help get new cosponsors!

March Board Meeting

Our Board of Directors held its last meeting on 3/16 and the video is available for viewing below. The next board meeting will be on 4/20 at 12 noon.

YouTube Thumbnail


Andre Stackhouse Whole Washington Campaign Director

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