🍎 Big Update – Washington Health Trust introduced!

The Washington Health Trust is back in the Senate

The 2025 legislative session has started, and it’s time to contact our elected officials! Once again, Senator Bob Hasegawa from Legislative District 11 has introduced the Washington Health Trust (WHT). We’re incredibly grateful for Senator Hasegawa’s advocacy on this critical issue, and now, it’s time for us to spring into action. We need co-sponsors to the bill ASAP. The deadline for co-sponsors is 5 PM today (January 14, 2025), so time is of the essence. See the Actions below.

We’re Spreading the Word!

Whole Washington volunteers, Board members, and our Executive Director were in Olympia on opening day, dropping off literature and making contact with office staff. It’s a bustling time in the capitol and a great opportunity for us to create some heat.

As Jim noted, we’re “taking our bill to our legislators before they’re even sworn in.” Thank you to all for your time, passion, and advocacy!

What are the chances for the WHT this year?

We’ve been advised Senate Bill 5233 will not receive a hearing this session. It’s our responsibility and obligation to not go silent. Our healthcare is much too important.

A hearing on comprehensive universal healthcare is more pressing than ever. Washington State has a massive budget shortfall (10 to 12 billion in the coming four years). Opportunities to save money need to be reviewed, and the WHT is just such an opportunity.

Both the Universal Health Care Commission Report and the 2021 Gerald Friedman analysis, show significant savings (anywhere from 738 million to 12 billion, depending on the model) while providing expanded benefits like vision, dental, and mental health services. We’d feel better and we’d save money. It’d be negligent to ignore a close review of the bill at this time.

What actions do we take right now?

There’s plenty we can do to press the WHT forward. Right now, these are the two big ones.

  1. Make Online Comments in support of the bill. Click on the top green button on the right that says Send a comment on this bill to your legislators. You’ll click the Support button and add your personal comments. Remember to send to your Senator plus both House Representative
  2. Contact your elected officialsThis is the most vital action you can do today! Call or write them and let them know you support this Universal Healthcare bill. Ask your Senator to co-sponsor SB 5233 as soon as possible. Ask your Representatives to introduce a companion bill. Need help finding contact info? Use the District Finder here.

Reach out to Republicans and Independents too. Universal Healthcare is good for all of us!

We’d love to hear what actions you’re taking and what you’re hearing from their offices.

Want to know more about the new WHT?

Join us tomorrow (January 15th, 2025) for the Virtual Town Hall! We’ll cover what’s different, share our stories, and plan together how to make the most of this moment!

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