SEATTLE Care Not Cops

Seattle Central College - South Lawn Corner of Broadway and Pine, Seattle, WA, United States

Whole Washington will have a table at this event. Details from the Organizing Group: Labor for Black Lives below. Two years ago, MLK Labor Council became independent of the Seattle Police Officers' Guild, allowing them to stand for all workers, including those victimized by police violence & killings. On May 18th, some labor leaders want […]

Abortion Rights Rallies around WA

Abortion rights rallies around the state, attend and collect I-1471 signatures: Bans Off Our Bodies - All Out for Abortion Rights Seattle, WA Other sites on the west side of WA Bans Off Our Bodies Spokane, WA We Won't Go Back - Additional events around the state and the nation

#BansOffOurBodies Rally in Camas

Camas Public Library 625 NE 4th Ave, Camas, WA, United States

Whole Washington volunteers will be showing up in solidarity for #HealthcareJustice and bodily autonomy. We will have petitions with us. Please find us if you want to sign, get involved, and/or get more information about the campaign.

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