For Immediate Release April 23, 2024 Contact: Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility and Undue Medical Debt are teaming up with Whole Washington to host a series of Town Halls Olympia - Whole Washington is teaming up with Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility (WPSR) and Undue Medical Debt to talk to communities all over about...
Take Healthcare Off the Bargaining Table
Universal Healthcare and Unions A Win for Labor / A Win from Labor
Empowering States: The State Based Universal Health Care Act
Big news! Senator Ed Markey from MA is introducing the State Based Universal Health Care Act (SBUHCA) in the U.S. Senate! For years, the bill has been held solely in the House of Representatives by Representative Ro Khanna. This move brings real hope to activists working for transformation at the state level. Like the House...
Alas, 8006 is dead, dead, dead
The legislative session ended earlier this month on March 7th, and we’ve had time to reflect these past couple weeks. It’s difficult not to feel some disenchantment. We’d felt some genuine confidence that the passage of Senate Joint Memorial 8006 would ignite momentum on Universal Healthcare , that it would foretell future progress and signal...
Healing US – Online Fundraiser 3/18 at 5:30
Monday 3/18 at 5:30 PM Join us for an online screening of the Healing US documentary featuring Red Berets for Medicare for All and members of Whole Washington! Get your tickets via Eventbrite. Minimum donation is $1 but please dig as deep as you can! Funds go toward our ambitious Town Hall plan this spring...
Hot News from the Universal Healthcare Front
There’s so much happening in the world and in our campaign space. This email will get you WHOLEy up-to-date for February. First up… Healthcare Forum with Dr. Jill Stein! The powerhouse Green Party campaign is in Seattle next week and will host a panel discussion focusing on healthcare. Join Whole Washington and the Green Party of...
SJM 8006 Is Still Alive!
Senate Joint Memorial 8006 (requesting that the federal government create a universal health care program), passed the House Health and Wellness Committee on 2/16/2024. The public hearing on 2/14/2024 was a collaborative effort of organizations, continuing their faithful advocacy of healthcare justice. Next up is the Rules Committee. We’re encouraged by the forward movement and...
Building a movement – Thank you for everything!
Building a movement is hard work, and not something we do alone. We build off the collective success of many types of groups and organizations. We carry forward the work of inspirational activists and advocates. Furthermore, our work is built from centuries of social justice work around all kinds of issues – civil rights, labor...
Whole WA Board Retreat – Recap!
This summary is to catch you up on what went down and what’s ahead. When an organization spans the state like Whole Washington, it’s often hard to meet in person, but a few weeks ago, on Sunday, October 29th, we did it! Board members, long-time volunteers, and campaign leads met in Eatonville for an all-day...
Support State-Based Universal Healthcare Now!
Yesterday, the State-Based Universal Healthcare Act – H.R.6270 – was reintroduced by U.S. Rep. Ro Khanna. While there are a record number of 28 co-sponsors this year, more U.S. Reps are needed to co-sponsor this bill! If your U.S. Representative is not yet a co-sponsor, please send an email today: … Thank you, Medicare...