🍎 The Washington Health Trust Needs Your Support

The Washington Health Trust bill needs a hearing to move forward!


If YOU live in the same Legislative District as a Health Care Committee member, now is the time to call them. If you live in the same LD as a Health Care Committee CHAIR, it’s doubly important. So if you’re in LD 49 or LD 28, pick up that phone!


It doesn’t need to be a long call at all. Just let them know you’re a constituent and you’re requesting a hearing for Senate Bill 5233 or House Bill 1445 in their committee. Check out a sample script below.


“Hi, I’m Jack Williams, and I’m a constituent. I’ve lived in the Brookdale neighborhood for over 15 years. I’m urging you to bring the Washington Health Trust bill up for a hearing. I have an $8000 deductible and it’s like not having coverage at all. Health insurance is killing us!”

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