🍎 Whole Goal Newsletter – The Washington Health Trust

Senate Bill 5233

House Bill 1445

We couldn’t have predicted such an energized start to the 2025 Legislative Session, but we are off to the races!

With 11 cosponsors in the Senate and 17 cosponsors in the House of Representatives, Washington State is positioned for genuine Universal Healthcare progress in an all-new way. As we celebrate these achievements, let’s keep in mind these are not normal times, and we must be bold to protect our future. Incremental gains are being erased at the federal level, so Washington can’t sit back and see what comes.

However, before the next action, please take a moment to give genuine thanks to these elected officials who stepped up. If you’re not sure who represents you, check the Legislative District Finder below, and pick up that phone or send that email.

So What’s Next?

Now, the bills must get out of the health committees and onto the floor for a hearing. The Chairs of those committees play a pivotal role in deciding what bills advance.

Are any of your elected officials members of these committees? We’ll need to be prepared to solicit them for a hearing. Please stay tuned for coordinated actions and be ready to act fast!

House Health Care & Wellness Committee

Bronoske, Dan (D) – Chair 28
Lekanoff, Debra (D) – Vice Chair 40
Rule, Alicia (D) – Vice Chair 42
Schmick, Joe (R) 9
Caldier, Michelle (R) 26
Marshall, Matt (R)  2
Davis, Lauren (D) 32 
Engell, Andrew (R)  7
Low, Sam (R)  39
Macri, Nicole (D)  43
Manjarrez, Deb (R)  14
Obras, Edwin (D)  33
Parshley, Lisa (D)  22
Shavers, Clyde (D)  10
Simmons, Tarra (D)  23
Stonier, Monica Jurado (D)  49
Stuebe, David (R)  17
Thai, My-Linh (D) 41
Tharinger, Steve (D) 24

Senate Health & Long-Term Care Committee

Cleveland, Annette (D) – Chair 49
Orwall, Tina (D) – Vice Chair 33
Muzzall, Ron (R) 10
Bateman, Jessica (D) 24
Chapman, Mike (D) 22
Christian, Leonard (R) 4
Harris, Paul (R) 17
Holy, Jeff (R) 6
Riccelli, Marcus (D) 3
Robinson, June (D) 38
Slatter, Vandana (D) 48

The Seed Has Been Planted!

We’re growing a student movement! On Tuesday, Jan 21st, Jen and Andre traveled to the University of Washington’s Bothell campus and presented to a class in the School of Nursing and Health Studies. We’re partnering with the students in a class called “Critical Approaches to Health Communication and Promotion.” Students have been given an assignment to tell their own healthcare story, and they have the option to share it with Whole Washington!

Not only did we talk about our campaign, we talked about the importance of an active student movement and how it will be critical in passing real legislation.

Are you associated with a college, university or other institution of higher learning? Do you want to build a campus presence? Please let us know by filling out the quick form below.

 Some Hot Projects

There are simultaneous projects happening that need assistance, especially in the execution (aka ‘get-it-done’) department. We have hands willing to help, but we often need leads or co-leads to get the projects completed.  If you have experience in project management or want to get some, please let us know what sounds interesting.

2025 Calculator Project – build an updated calculator that illustrates savings for individuals and businesses Needed: project manager, technical writer, testers. We may have the coders needed.
Endorsement Process – solicit Washington Health Trust endorsements from elected officials, candidates, organizations, businesses, etc. Needed: project manager with ability to write and track requests and replies, and work with others on website updates and social media posting.
Social Media Team – create a cohesive structure for sharing our message and building up our team using multiple social media platforms Needed: lead or co-leads to coordinate a plan. If you have experience with creating a calendar, social media strategy, etc. we’d love your input.

Find us on Bluesky

With the lack of fact-checking and the increasing manipulation of content on Twitter and Meta platforms, we’re actively cultivating a presence on Bluesky.

Invites are no longer required. Anyone can sign up. If you’re already on, please find us @wholewashington. If not, below is a helpful article to get you started.

Save the Date – May 17th!

This event isn’t even on our calendar yet, but please get it on yours. This will be the premiere fundraising event of the year. Plan on joining us in May!

There’s so much work happening behind the scenes. These milestones are the result of hours and hours of volunteer time. To be at the level we need to be to win, we need staff, and we need materials.

Please consider becoming a monthly donor! $5, $10, $20. Those monthly amounts from many of you will keep this OUR campaign, a truly grass-roots campaign. Will you be a part of this movement?

 Contribute To Real Universal Healthcare Progress

Onward with drive and gratitude,

Whole Washington

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