🍎 The Washington Health Trust in the House!

Washington State completed its first week of the 2025 legislation session, and in that wild week, Universal Healthcare surged forward. First, the Washington Health Trust took off in the Senate (SB 5233) with eleven co-sponsors, and on Friday, a companion bill was introduced in the House. This is historic! Let’s take a moment to acknowledge just how significant this is. We’re both hopeful and resolute to press on.

Two Freshman Reps Stepped Up

Newly elected reps don’t often make moves this bold. There’s much to learn and a tendency to conform, but Representative Parshley and Representative Scott started off their terms with tremendous courage. They know healthcare is an urgent need for everyone, and we’re grateful to them for advancing the issue.

If you’re in LD 22 or LD 43, please take some time to thank them!

Now It’s Time for All of Us to Act!

Once again, we’re asking supporters to take two key actions. Both are vital. One has a deadline.

FIRST: Contact both of your State Representatives and ask them to co-sponsor HB 1445.

  • You can call or email, but calling is preferred.
  • To find your reps’ numbers, use the District Finder below. Make sure Legislative is selected.
  • If you don’t like to talk on the phone and prefer to leave a message, call right away, before office hours start on Monday.
  • Or call 800-562-6000 this Monday,1/20, from 8am up until 2pm to get connected. Earlier is better.
  • If you have any issues with hearing or speaking, call 800-833-6384
  • Do this ASAP. Reps only have until Monday at 2 PM to sign on!

More tips on calling

  • Be respectful and kind. Most likely you’ll be talking to a staffer, and this may be a very hectic day!
  • Try to be brief.
  • When introducing yourself, make a connection to your district. For example ‘I’ve lived in the Gatewood neighborhood for over 10 years.’ or ‘I work at the Bagel Deli on 9th.’ or ‘I’m a PCO in our district.’ 
  • Then, speak to your personal experience or belief. For example ‘I have a $9000 deductible which is like not having insurance at all.’ or ‘Universal Healthcare is my red line issue. My vote is contingent on its full support.’ or ‘We’re unable to jump through the hoops of the for-profit system. We need real change.’

Use the District Finder to Look Up Your Reps!

SECOND: Make an online comment in support of the bill.

  1. Go to HB 1445’s comment page by clicking the button below
  2. Enter your address and click verify district to bring up a list of your legislators
  3. Select both Representatives (Leave your Senator unchecked)
  4. Under Would you like a response to your comment select Yes
  5. Under Position select Support
  6. Under Send a copy of your message to your email address? Select Yes
  7. Type a message about HB 1445 and then Send Comment

More tips on commenting

  • You have more space to get into details here.
  • However, brief is still powerful!
  • Encourage cosponsorship of the bill.

Remember, don’t assume that your elected official won’t care or notice because they’re in the Republican party or an Independent. Universal Healthcare benefits everyone. It’s not a partisan issue. Push even harder in those red districts.

Make an online comment for HB 1445

We Recommend Calling Your Friends About This Action

It’s a tight deadline with tangible results at the end, so ‘Phone bank your friends’ to spread the word. It’s a great way to be involved because it’s brief, but so meaningful!

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