Ops Director Georgia in red beret with We Need Medicare 4 All mask, cherry blossoms behind

How to Watch πŸ‘€β€‹ the (very early) M4A Hearing Tomorrow, 3/29

Get that coffee brewing early tomorrow. The hearing starts at 6 AM Pacific Time!

Examining Pathways to Universal Health Coverage

That’s the name of the Tuesday’s hearing in the U.S. House of Representative’s Committee on Oversight and Reform. This is a hybrid hearing, meaning Medicare for All is not the only topic; however, it’s the answer we’re all rallying for.

This pandemic has devasted us. We’ve lost so many, and so many still live with COVID’s effects. Our healthcare workers have sacrificed more than we’ll ever truly understand. And yet, our government stopped talking about Medicare for All. Tomorrow morning, that changes.


3/29 6 AM PST

Georgia in DC for M4A HearingAbove: That’s our Operations Director, Georgia Davenport in D.C. for the hearing!

Medicare for All will save money and SAVE LIVES. It will eliminate the dread, trauma, and financial ruin associated with our current system. It will begin to address the extreme racial disparities that need urgent correction. It will free us from being chained to a job or exposed when we’re unemployed.

So, tomorrow, let’s let them know we’re watching.

πŸ”₯Call Your U.S. Congressperson TomorrowπŸ”₯

It’s imperative to register our demand for healthcare transformation. Our elected officials have been unresponsive for too long.




If your representative isn’t a co-sponsor for Medicare for All, always ask for the reason why they don’t support it. Please document any responses you receive.

An Endorsement Would Change Everything

If you live in WA-07, please call Representative Pramila Jayapal and thank her for her landmark bill and for championing real health care change. Let her know we’re simultaneously working on Universal Healthcare for Washington State and her support would mean so much!

202-225-3106 (DC office) / 206-674-0040 (Seattle office)

#PrintOurPetitions 🀩

Amazing! Thank you for everyone pushing us forward over the weekend. We’re seeing lots of new donors and we’ve been blown away by some big donations. You’re keeping us running and motivated.

Help us get to $20K

We’ll keep everyone posted on fundraising and the initiative process. The active part of the campaign is about to begin!





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