“Last Wednesday was the final day for bills to make it out of their house of origin in the Washington State legislature. While many bills still in play are worth paying attention to, I want to focus on a pair that didn’t make the cut: Senate Bill 5233 and House Bill 1445. Both bills would have created...
Washington Health Trust in the Everett Herald
…Mary Fosse and Julio Cortes, two Democratic representatives from the 38th district, which covers much of Everett and Marysville, co-sponsored the legislation. The need for accessible health care is urgent, Cortes said, calling it a “fundamental human right.” The bill presents a long-term vision for more sustainable health care, he said. “This is one of...
We Need a Hearing!
This call to action is urgent. If you live in a Legislative District with an elected official on a Health Committee (either House or Senate Health Committee), it’s vital to reach out to them to request a hearing. We can’t let this bill die this session! This is a hectic time for the legislature, and...
The Washington Health Trust Needs Your Support
The Washington Health Trust bill needs a hearing to move forward! If YOU live in the same Legislative District as a Health Care Committee member, now is the time to call them. If you live in the same LD as a Health Care Committee CHAIR, it’s doubly important. So if you’re in LD 49...
Universal healthcare resolution passes Senate Health & Long Term Care Committee
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – 1/31/2025 Contact: press@wholewashington.org Press resources: www.wholewashington.org/press Universal healthcare resolution passes Senate Health & Long Term Care Committee Olympia, WA – A universal healthcare resolution numbered Senate Joint Memorial (SJM) 8004 received a public hearing in the Senate Health & Long Term Care Committee on January 30th and was voted through the following day. Introduced by Senator Bob Hasegawa,...
Senate Joint Memorial 8004: Universal Health Care
Senate Joint Memorial (SJM) 8004, introduced during the 2025-2026 regular session of the Washington State Legislature, addresses the pressing issue of universal health care. This bill is sponsored by a bipartisan group of senators, including Sen. Robert Hasegawa, Sen. Bateman, Sen. Lovelett, Sen. Nobles, Sen. Stanford, Sen. Trudeau, Sen. Valdez, and Sen. Wellman. What you...
Washington State Democratic Party votes to endorse universal healthcare legislation
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – 1/26/2025 Contact: press@wholewashington.org Press resources: www.wholewashington.org/press Washington State Democratic Party votes to endorse universal healthcare legislation Tacoma, WA – The Washington State Democratic Party has endorsed universal healthcare legislation through a decisive majority vote of its state committee members at a party meeting in Tacoma on January 26th. The proposal, known as the Washington Health Trust,...
Whole Goal Newsletter – The Washington Health Trust
Senate Bill 5233 House Bill 1445 We couldn’t have predicted such an energized start to the 2025 Legislative Session, but we are off to the races! With 11 cosponsors in the Senate and 17 cosponsors in the House of Representatives, Washington State is positioned for genuine Universal Healthcare progress in an all-new way. As we celebrate these...
Universal Healthcare legislation secures 17 cosponsors in state House
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 1/21/2025 Contact: press@wholewashington.org Press resources: www.wholewashington.org/press/ Universal healthcare legislation introduced into House for the first time Olympia, WA – The Washington Health Trust, a statewide universal healthcare proposal backed by Whole Washington and the Health Care is a Human Right coalition, has been introduced into both chambers of the state legislature as HB.1445 and SB.5233....
Universal Healthcare legislation introduced into state House for the first time
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 1/21/2025 Contact: press@wholewashington.org Press resources: www.wholewashington.org/press/ Universal healthcare legislation introduced into House for the first time Olympia, WA – Representative Lisa Parshley of the 22nd Legislative District has introduced HB.1445 as a companion bill to the statewide universal healthcare bill SB.5233, often called the Washington Health Trust, into the state House of Representatives for the very first time....