FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 1/20/2025 Contact: Press resources: Universal healthcare legislation reintroduced into Senate to record cosponsors Olympia, WA – Senator Bob Hasegawa of the 11th Legislative District has reintroduced a statewide universal healthcare bill called the Washington Health Trust into the Senate with a record 11 cosponsors. The bill has been assigned the number SB.5233. Originally introduced...
The Washington Health Trust in the House!
Washington State completed its first week of the 2025 legislation session, and in that wild week, Universal Healthcare surged forward. First, the Washington Health Trust took off in the Senate (SB 5233) with eleven co-sponsors, and on Friday, a companion bill was introduced in the House. This is historic! Let’s take a moment to acknowledge...
11 Cosponsors! Is your Senator among them?
You REALLY Understood the Assignment! Senate Bill 5233 has ELEVEN Cosponsors We must admit, we weren’t expecting a showing this strong, but it makes sense. Universal Healthcare makes sense. The effort we’ve all put in over the years is beginning to bear fruit. Did you know this is the highest number of cosponsors for any version of the...
Senate Bill 5233 Needs Cosponsors!
It’s an all-hands-on-deck moment! Please call your State Senator and ask them to cosponsor the new Washington Health Trust! We need solutions that save money, save lives, and expand our benefits. SB 5233 achieves all three. Senators must sign on before 5 PM today, 1/14/2025. Pick up the phone and fire up that email.
Big Update – Washington Health Trust introduced!
The Washington Health Trust is back in the Senate The 2025 legislative session has started, and it’s time to contact our elected officials! Once again, Senator Bob Hasegawa from Legislative District 11 has introduced the Washington Health Trust (WHT). We’re incredibly grateful for Senator Hasegawa’s advocacy on this critical issue, and now, it’s time for us to...
The Perfect 2025 Kick-Off
Happy New Year ~ Last year ended with a surge of awareness and enthusiasm for Universal Healthcare. Change is in the air! For example, we’ve received many newly submitted Volunteer Questionnaires in the past few weeks. Thank you, everyone! At tonight’s meeting, our Campaign Director Andre Stackhouse will take us behind the scenes, describe where we are now,...
Whole Goal Newsletter – Time to Fall into Activism
Whole Washington is non-partisan and healthcare is an everybody issue. That being said, we know there are a wide range of emotions being felt by our supporters in the wake of the election. Some are pleased with the outcomes, others are shocked and disappointed. Some are frustrated with the two-party system and the stranglehold of...
News Blast! “Let’s Make Healthcare Happen” 2024 Town Hall T-Shirts have been ordered!
We are having a T-Shirt Fundraiser to help cover some of the expenses of our town halls especially as we venture to the other side of the mountains! Put in your pre-order now and we can get those shipped! before we start our final 2 week run of Town Halls! We should be receiving them...
Cancel Medical Debt for Washingtonians!
We’re partnering with Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility and Undue Medical Debt to wipe out medical debt. Medical debt is the leading cause of bankruptcy in this country, and we have the chance to ease the oppressive burden of medical debt for some of our fellow Washingtonians. Even small donations can make a huge difference...
Whole Washington to host a series of Town Halls across the state – Aberdeen
For Immediate Release April 23, 2024 Contact: Whole Washington to host a series of Town Halls across the state- next stop, Aberdeen Aberdeen - Whole Washington is crossing the state to talk to communities all over about Washington’s healthcare system. Their “Let's Make Healthcare Happen!” town halls are non-partisan, educational events, open to everyone....