Universal Healthcare legislation reintroduced into Senate to record cosponsors

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 1/20/2025 Contact: press@wholewashington.org Press resources: www.wholewashington.org/press/ Universal healthcare legislation reintroduced into Senate to record cosponsors Olympia, WA – Senator Bob Hasegawa of the 11th Legislative District has reintroduced a statewide universal healthcare bill called the Washington Health Trust into the Senate with a record 11 cosponsors. The bill has been assigned the number SB.5233. Originally introduced...

🍎 The Perfect 2025 Kick-Off

Happy New Year ~ Last year ended with a surge of awareness and enthusiasm for Universal Healthcare. Change is in the air! For example, we’ve received many newly submitted Volunteer Questionnaires in the past few weeks. Thank you, everyone! At tonight’s meeting, our Campaign Director Andre Stackhouse will take us behind the scenes, describe where we are now,...

Whole Washington to host a series of Town Halls across the state – Aberdeen

For Immediate Release April 23, 2024 Contact: info@wholewashington.org Whole Washington to host a series of Town Halls across the state- next stop, Aberdeen Aberdeen - Whole Washington is crossing the state to talk to communities all over about Washington’s healthcare system. Their “Let's Make Healthcare Happen!” town halls are non-partisan, educational events, open to everyone....

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