🍎 This Week’s Action & See Who’s RSVP’d Yes!

We’re officially three weeks away from the big event.

Our Presentation to the
Universal Health Care Commission

August 10th, 2 – 4 PM
🔥3 Weeks Away🔥

So What’s Our Focus this Week?

Emailing the Universal Healthcare Commission!

This week’s action is very easy! Email the Universal Health Care Commission and tell them how you feel about Universal Healthcare.

You could describe your personal healthcare story, or you may want to write about a specific policy point, or you may simply want to demand urgency to help us! It can be short or long–whatever feels right to you. Just make sure to send the email in time.

Email to: HCAUniversalHCC@hca.wa.gov

Deadline: July 26th.

(This will ensure it gets in the public record for the August meeting)

A Look Ahead

Here’s a snapshot of where we’ll direct our action in the upcoming weeks

7/20 – 7/26 Email the Commission
7/27 – 8/3 Call & Email your State elected officials
8/4 –  8/10 Invite Your Friends, Family, and Co-workers to attend the meeting
Ongoing The Postcard Campaign to our State elected leadership
We’ll just keep rocking it until the postcards are gone

RSVP Update

As part of this information-sharing effort, we’ve personally invited all of our State Senators and State Representatives to the Universal Health Care Commission Meeting. We’re continuing to hear back, and below is the list of those who will try to show up in some capacity.

Positive RSVPs

LD Name Status
1 Rep Davina Duerr Legislative Aide will attend
3 Rep Marcus Ricelli
(House Health Committee Chair!)
Both he & LA will attend
4 Rep Christian Leonard On the calendar
9 Rep Joe Schmick UHCC Member & usually attends
11 Sen Bob Hasegawa Looking at calendar. LA will attend
25 Rep Kelly Chambers Has a conflict but on the calendar in case
27 Rep Jake Fey Legislative Aide will attend
28 Sen T’wina Nobles Thanked us for the invite
32 Sen Jesse Salomon Legislative Aide will attend
37 Rep Chipalo Street Can’t attend but wants to connect
38 Sen June Robinson Will attend as much as she can
38 Rep Mary Fosse Will attend
40 Rep Debra Lekanoff Will attend or send Legislative Aide
40 Rep Alex Ramel Will attend if able
44 Sen John Lovick Will attend for part of the time
47 Sen Claudia Kauffman Will be watching on Zoom
48 Rep Amy Walen Has conflict but interested. Tentative on calendar

Hopefully, our postcards will encourage even more to attend!

Hey! We Could Really Use More Help

Do you have talents and/or time to give to this Commission event? To make the most of the opportunity, we could use more hands and minds. Here’s what we’re looking for:

  1. Reference Material Help – we need graphics, writing, and editing skills to create supplemental documents
  2. Calling Volunteers – let’s call our beloved comrades to make sure they’re aware of and involved in the big event
  3. Outreach to Journalists – assemble, distribute, and track press packets to get some real coverage on the Commission’s work

Email jen@wholewashington.org if you can lend a hand.

If you don’t have the time…

Could you help us out with postage costs? Just $5 or $10 will support the postcard effort significantly! We’d love to keep this project moving along.

Donate Today Button

Team Congress Meets Tonight!

We’ll always keep pushing for the ultimate goal, Medicare for All at the federal level. Don’t miss out on the action, starting at 6 PM tonight.


Watch the Monthly Calendar for upcoming meetings from any of our strategy teams.

Thanks so much for being a part of this summer’s advocacy. We couldn’t do it without you.

Whole Washington

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