Town Halls and Community Events
The best way to spread the news about Universal Healthcare is in real life, in our communities.
We’re hosting events all over Washington where we can meet up with neighbors to share stories and learn strategies to win the healthcare system we need and deserve.
Whole Washington
Whole Washington is a grassroots coalition of healthcare professionals and volunteers from across Washington State. Whole Washington endorses both state and national efforts and supports organizations and candidates working to make Universal Healthcare a reality. We fight for single payer healthcare at the national level and pursue a state-based model, using both the initiative and legislative process.
The Washington Health Trust
The Washington Health Trust will be the first state-wide, publicly financed, not-for-profit healthcare system in the U.S. Instead of many private insurance companies and multiple programs, one public trust will pay the healthcare expenses of Washington State residents.
This bill was written by citizens, for citizens, free from the influence of corporate and special interests. The goal is comprehensive healthcare, free at the point of service, delivered to all.
For up-to-date actions, see our Legislature page.
Give $10, Tell 10
Whole Washington volunteers are preparing for the next initiative and we need your help! Give $10 today and tell 10 people about our needs. Our organization needs the stability of paid staff. We need to increase our signature gathering capacity four-fold from previous attempts. We have amazing volunteers, but we cannot continue to rely on volunteers alone.