DEI Commitment

Whole Washington commitment to diversity, equity, inclusivity, and social justice:

Whole Washington strives to be an organization that represents all Washington residents and champions diversity, equity, inclusivity, and social justice. We value the experiences, perspectives, and voices of individuals from all backgrounds and commit to actively listen, learn, and amplify historically marginalized voices within our organization and throughout our advocacy work. We aim to build partnerships and collaborate with diverse communities across Washington State, ensuring that historically marginalized voices are centered in the pursuit of universal healthcare.

We recognize that health disparities are a reflection of broader systemic issues rooted in social, economic, and political structures built on the false premise of white supremacy. As we work to achieve universal health care, we pledge to tirelessly advocate for policies that not only address access to healthcare but also actively combat systemic inequity in healthcare delivery, research, education, and governance. We will work to ensure that no person, regardless of their circumstances or social background, faces discrimination, bias, or inequity within our healthcare system.

We encourage our supporters, volunteers, partners, and policymakers to join us in our unwavering commitment to health equity and social justice. By standing together we can build a more just, equitable, and all inclusive healthcare system for every resident of Washington State. Together, we can create a future where healthcare is truly universal, accessible, and free from oppressive disparities.

In solidarity and resolute determination,

Whole Washington Board of Directors