What’s Included

Your provider determines what procedures, therapies, and medications are essential to your health. The Washington Health Trust covers them.

Specific services are too numerous to be listed in a bill like this, but you can rest easy knowing that one comprehensive plan covers all your needs. What your provider prescribes for you is considered essential and included.

The following are included in the Washington Health Trust essential benefits package:

  • Inpatient / Outpatient Care
  • 24 Hour Emergency Services
  • Acupuncture, some massage and other healing therapies
  • Audiology
  • Dental
  • Maternity, Newborn, Pediatric Care
  • Medical Devices and Biological Products
  • Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment
  • Palliative and End of Life Care
  • Prescription Drugs*
  • Reproductive Care
  • Rehabilitative Care, Occupational and Physical Therapy
  • Vision

*Generic prescriptions are fully covered. For any non-generic medications, the most an individual will pay for prescriptions is $250 per adult per year.

Who's Covered

All residents of Washington state and eligible non-residents are eligible to enroll in the Washington Health Trust.

Resident is defined by the Health Care Authority and includes individuals that are

  • houseless
  • not employed
  • in Washington temporarily for a job
  • traveling temporarily out of the state

Eligible non-residents will be defined by the Washington Health Trust Board and include

  • nonresident students attending college within the state
  • nonresidents employed within the state
  • the spouses or domestic partners and dependents of eligible nonresidents 


Group of volunteers holding Healthcare is a Human Right signs

Volunteer Questionnaire

We see five categories of volunteer work. They can overlap, and you're not restricted to only one, but selecting one in the questionnaire will help us connect you and get you started. 1) Tell Me What To Do / Direct Action You like to show up and do what’s needed. You don’t want to be involved...

Dark blue background with red letter heading The Whole Goal with a graphic of an outline of Washington state with black evergreen trees. White letter subheading Whole Washington's Twice A Month Newsletter


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