🍎 Help Us End July With a Bang

We’re ending July with some huge events, including a film-screening fundraiser and a march to celebrate Medicare turning 57!

Read below to see where you can join us, but first, here’s a look at where our campaign is now.

Weekly Signature Count: 34,673

Our incredible volunteers are making leaps and bounds from Olympia to Pullman. Let’s keep the momentum going! Please remember to upload petition data, as well, to help us monitor the campaign’s progress!

Register for tonight’s 7 PM Meeting

Whether you’re a seasoned volunteer or you’ve just signed up, our Monday meetings are a great way to connect, ask questions, and get the latest updates.

Great Places to Gather Sigs This Week

TACOMA: JULY 27, WRIGHT PARK, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM



SAVE THE DAY: July 30, 12 – 4 PM

To celebrate the 57th anniversary of Medicare, Whole Washington is teaming up with Seattle DSA and M4A EVERYWHERE to hold a march for healthcare justice.

The march will begin at 4351 S. Othello Street, in Seattle.

In addition to being a fantastic opportunity to gather signatures, the march is also a public recognition of where the healthcare justice movement in the US has been, and how far we have left to go. We fight, but we also celebrate!

Volunteer Spotlight: Andre Stackhouse!

Meet our intrepid campaign director! Andre’s leadership and dedication (including weekly virtual office hours for any and all volunteers) have been invaluable in helping Whole Washington get to where we are now. Today, he shares a few words on what gives him hope:

This campaign gives me hope because it lets me speak and work directly with the people who most want to change our healthcare system for the better. We know that millions of people in Washington support universal healthcare, but to experience that support in the form of thank yous, smiles, and long days of organizing together is another thing entirely. My community gives me hope because we are united in this movement.

We’re Seeking Labor Support

If you’re in a trade organization or union, we’d love to hear from you. Are you able to get us in touch with your union’s leadership? Support from the labor sector is critical for success, and we’d love to do a presentation, answer questions, and seek an endorsement. Please email [email protected]

Additionally, would it be possible to circulate petitions with your co-workers? Meetings and work events can be great places to get signatures. Remember, breakrooms are safe spaces to talk about the campaign! If you’d like petitions mailed to you for your workplace, please email [email protected]



In addition to the usual cruelties of the for-profit healthcare system, there is a new plan, called ACO REACH, to privatize traditional Medicare, giving insurance companies and Wall Street even more authority over our lives and bodies.

Join us Friday, July 29, 11:00 AM -t 1:00 PM alongside many other advocates at the HHS Regional Office (Columbia Center, 701 5th Avenue, Seattle) to rally against this toxic and damaging plan.

Healing Us

A very special fundraiser

Also on Friday, July 29, Whole Washington is proud to join the Red Berets of Washington in co-hosting a screening of the documentary Healing Us, at Washington Hall, 153 14th Avenue in Seattle. The film highlights our broken healthcare system, and those who are fighting to build something better. Tickets start at $14.71. Doors open at 6:30, and the screening (followed by a panel with activists from the film) starts at 7:00 PM.

Healing Us Documentary

Wow, there’s certainly a lot happening to close out July. Thanks to everyone putting their time & heart into making this campaign a success.

If you’re unable to volunteer, would you consider making a financial contribution? We’re so grateful for the help!

Donate Today

In solidarity,

Whole Washington

PS — Did you know we’re on TikTok??
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