Whole Washington Board Meeting
Monthly Board Meeting of Whole Washington Link to join: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82410080099?pwd=dHRoKzNlWXJncVVNY0hnSG1BTjRLQT09
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Monthly Board Meeting of Whole Washington Link to join: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82410080099?pwd=dHRoKzNlWXJncVVNY0hnSG1BTjRLQT09
Volunteer Orientation & Working Meeting Whole Washington regularly holds orientation and working meetings open to anyone. Meetings are virtual and held on Zoom. We welcome new volunteers with orientation, and we work on our campaign to put universal healthcare on the ballot. No matter your level of involvement with Whole Washington, this is a great place […]
Volunteer Orientation & Working Meeting Whole Washington regularly holds orientation and working meetings open to anyone. Meetings are virtual and held on Zoom. We welcome new volunteers with orientation, and we work on our campaign to put universal healthcare on the ballot. No matter your level of involvement with Whole Washington, this is a great place […]
Join us for our online Legislative Strategy Meeting with Kyle Wojewoda. All are welcome! Zoom link to join the meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82805167878?pwd=YTU1VDY3dGZsMnZReGVEWFZOWEVtZz09 Meeting ID: 828 0516 7878 Passcode: 858267
Join our Federal Strategy team to work on ways to advance National Improved Medicare for All. All are welcome! In this team we focus on our elected members of the federal Congress and urge them to take action to advance universal healthcare through their position in the legislature. Register: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMsdO-opjwqG9eSYiKT5tTaLVwPZ1Uz5fXdhttps://us06web.zoom.us/j/82805167878?pwd=YTU1VDY3dGZsMnZReGVEWFZOWEVtZz09
Volunteer Orientation & Working Meeting Whole Washington regularly holds orientation and working meetings open to anyone. Meetings are virtual and held on Zoom. We welcome new volunteers with orientation, and we work on our campaign to put universal healthcare on the ballot. No matter your level of involvement with Whole Washington, this is a great place […]
ONLINE We'll discuss what to expect at the 4/11 Universal Health Care Commission meeting, future actions and strategy, and at the end anyone who wants to prep for their testimony, we'll help with that. Zoom Link
ONLINE We'll discuss what to expect at the 4/11 Universal Health Care Commission meeting, future actions and strategy, and at the end anyone who wants to prep for their testimony, we'll help with that. Zoom Link
The purpose of the Universal Health Care Commission is to: Make the health care system more accessible by increasing access to quality, affordable health care. Prepare the state for the creation of a health care system that provides coverage and access for all Washington residents: Through a unified financing system. Once the federal government approves this new […]
Join us for our online Legislative Strategy Meeting with Kyle Wojewoda. All are welcome! Zoom link to join the meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82805167878?pwd=YTU1VDY3dGZsMnZReGVEWFZOWEVtZz09 Meeting ID: 828 0516 7878 Passcode: 858267
This online event is organized by the Non-profit: ThePeople.org We encourage Whole Washington supporters to sign up, attend, and ask questions! Here is the link to this free event: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ballot-initiative-citizen-engagement-forum-tickets-593787332897
Monthly Board Meeting of Whole Washington Join Whole Washington's Board of Directors and other members of leadership to get a first-hand look at Whole Washington's governance, strategic development, and decision-making. Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIvdu2urjwsHtIn0Fa9g9txDwuZd6vr-zGY