Phonebank for Universal Healthcare!

Join Whole Washington volunteers to phonebank for universal healthcare! We will be calling Whole Washington supporters and volunteers to inform them of upcoming events like Signature Captain Orientation and Volunteer Working Meetings. Developing effective phone-banking infrastructure is critical to the success of our campaign so please help us set a high bar by attending, especially […]

Event Series Legislation Writing Meeting

Legislation Writing Meeting

Join Whole Washington's policy experts to discuss any and all details of our ballot initiative and its companion bill in the Senate SB.5204. You don't need to be a policy expert to attend. This is an appropriate space for questions, suggestions, and feedback of all kinds! Our initiative must be filed by March 15th, so […]

Phonebank for Universal Healthcare!

Join Whole Washington volunteers to phonebank for universal healthcare! We will be calling Whole Washington supporters and volunteers to inform them of upcoming events like Signature Captain Orientation and Volunteer Working Meetings. We are also interested in building a phonebanking team so we will be asking about interest in that as well. Developing effective phonebanking […]

Legislation Meeting

We'll continue the review and update process Tonight's start time is not firm. We'll start around 5 to 6.

Legislation Meeting

This is the final review before filing! We'll unveil the new name, an amazing update to the funding mechanisms, and other details. This is a great way to really get under the legislation. Campaign Director, Andre Stackhouse will facilitate the walk-through. The meeting is open to all. Zoom link:

Legislation Meeting

This is the first post-filing follow-up meeting. We'll work through a legislative memo and any issues that may have come up with the Code Revisor. Zoom link:

Whole Washington Board Meeting

Meet our Board of Directors! Got questions about how our organization works? Have important information our leadership needs to know? Join us for the next board meeting and tell us all about it! Zoom link:

CANCELLED: Campaign Director Office Hours

Are you blocked on something? Need someone to sit down with you to explain how the bill works? Got a game-changing idea that needs support? Just want to introduce yourself? Drop in and join Andre, our campaign director, for whatever you need. Office hours are held weekly on Mondays - this time is for any […]

Tacoma Kick-Off Event

The Grand Cinema 606 Fawcett Ave., Tacoma, WA, United States

It's time for the signature gathering to begin. It's time to fix our healthcare system! Whole Washington presents a free screening to inspire volunteers Sicko We invite you to a showing of SICKO with a Q&A session after the movie with Producer/Director, Michael Moore and documentary participant, Donna Smith! Tacoma's I-1471 Campaign Kickoff Volunteer supplies Special Guests […]

Signature Gathering – Spokane Riverfront Market

Spokane Riverfront Park 507 N. Howard Street, Spokane, WA, United States

Collect I-1471 Signatures Spokane Riverfront Market Riverfront near the Pavilion Wed, May 11, 3pm-7pm Local live performances, quality goods, food, and services from local artisans

Seattle Signature Gathering — Defend Roe v. Wade

Cal Anderson Park 1635 11th Ave, Seattle, WA, United States

Gather signatures for I-1471 and defend reproductive healthcare! We will have a table with a Whole Washington banner. Sign the petition > Help staff the table > Circulate in the crowd to gather signatures > Pick up your Signature Captain kit and build your signature gathering team > Win healthcare for all, including comprehensive reproductive […]

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