🍎 News Blast! “Let’s Make Healthcare Happen” 2024 Town Hall T-Shirts have been ordered!

We are having a T-Shirt Fundraiser to help cover some of the expenses of our town halls especially as we venture to the other side of the mountains! Put in your pre-order now and we can get those shipped! before we start our final 2 week run of Town Halls! We should be receiving them late this week and I’d love to ship some out to people before we start the trip to Central and Eastern Washington! Here is a link to a form where you can pre-order sizes. https://forms.gle/Le8bGHJxFyRtVAHq5 (There are a limited amount of 2-4x and also some med-xlg Women’s V-Neck so get your order in early if you want to order one of those) We’ll take the rest with us on the trip. (Well as many as we have room for).

Pre-order here: “Let’s Make Healthcare Happen” 2024 Town Hall Shirts

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