🍎 Two Big Things You Gotta Know 🏳️‍🌈

We hope you’re excited for Summer 2023. As you likely realize, we’re not running an initiative campaign this year, but that doesn’t mean we don’t need you. The fight for Universal Healthcare continues, and here are a couple of ways you can show up.


We’re in the Seattle Pride Parade

⭐This⭐Sunday, June 25th

The theme this year is 🛸 💜 Galactic Love 👽 💚

Feeling crafty? 👉   Kathryn and crew have built a sweet float on a flatbed trailer, and we’d love more hands to finish up the decorations. Sewing skills are especially welcomed.

For more info and to get involved, join the #Pride 2023 channel in our Slack.

Feel like walking, dancing, and celebrating? 👉   Join us in the parade! Here are the details:

  • Meet up in downtown Seattle, between 1:00 – 1:30 this Sunday
  • Location: 4th Ave between the Jefferson and Yesler Overpass
  • Our line-up spot is Block 11 / Group #8
  • Wear your red Whole Washington T-shirt if you have one! We’ll bring some extra shirts plus fliers to hand out
  • What to bring: Water, sunscreen, and candy to toss if you have some
  • Remember, if you can’t walk the route, you can ride on the float


Last year's Pride


Second, a state-wide push…

Our Presentation
to the Universal Health Care Commission

AUGUST 10TH @ 2 – 4 PM

We’re on the August agenda to present The Washington Health Trust to the commission. This is a big deal for sure. State-based, single-payer bills have been introduced in our legislature for years, but they’ve never made it out of committee. Instead, our elected officials have focused on tweaking a broken system.

Meanwhile, the Universal Health Care Commission has been reviewing and studying universal healthcare elements and models for years. It’s a slow and uncertain process, which is why our involvement is so important right now.

We need to bring the urgency back to transformational change.

How to Make the Most of The Opportunity

No question, we want a big turnout from healthcare advocates like ourselves, but we need something more. 🍎We need our State legislators to attend.🍎

We’ll spend July making sure our State Senators and Representatives know about the bill and invite them to the meeting. We’ll utilize all the methods: emails, calls, in-person meet-ups, and a postcard campaign! Please plan on devoting some time to this effort. It won’t take a lot (it’s nothing compared to collecting signatures), but it’s vital.

Check Out the Postcard

A volunteer superstar designed this amazing postcard for us. Thank you, Catherine Grisez! These eye-popping gems are on their way.

(Front & Back)

Make Sure You Don’t Miss a Beat

We’ll also need people to provide public testimony and send comments via email. There are plenty of ways to be involved in this push!

Thanks in advance for being a part of this much-needed effort. We can’t wait to join forces with you on this.

Stay in touch,

Whole Washington

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