🍎 Time to get signatures back to the campaign

Hello Signature Captains and Signature Gatherers!

Thank you SO much for all the effort you have extended on behalf of initiative 1471. The signature deadline is truly upon us. Please make a plan to get signed pages back to the campaign. Their final destination will be a presentation to the Secretary of State’s office and our legislators. (Hello photo ops!!)

Rest assured every signature you helped collect during this campaign will be put to good use. Our legislative strategy team has been meeting for months planning our transition from this campaign to the 2023 legislative session where we hope to introduce similar bills into both the state Senate and House of Representatives.

Legislative districts with higher signature rates have already been targeted for growing legislative support. A resolution including support for a national universal healthcare system AND support for the Washington Health Trust (our bill language specifically) recently passed the Seattle City Council. And Whole Washington’s supporter database has more than doubled over the course of this campaign!

We have much to celebrate regardless of the final signature counts. And yet, this work is not done. We still need you toΒ make every effort to get full and partial signature pages back to the campaign.

Please check in with those you’ve recruited to help along the way. Check in with local businesses hosting our petitions. Some Signature Captains are hosting small celebratory petition drop-off events at local coffee shops/breweries to collect additional signatures while pulling signed pages back into the campaign. We need to collect every page with signatures on it – even if it only has one signature, we want it back.

Then – get those petitions turned in! Mail them in, return them to your closest bin host, get ahold of whomever your primary contact for this campaign has been and make a plan.

We are targeting getting all petition sheets back to campaign headquarters by December 21st.

Every signature counts. We need all hands on deck to wrap this thing up. Thank you in advance for taking the time to follow through on this work during what we all know is a busy Holiday season. We truly can’t do this work without you. I know I can speak on behalf of myself and others as I say it’s been a pleasure doing this work with such a dedicated, passionate, and driven group of volunteers.

In Solidarity,

Carey Wallace RN
Whole Washington volunteer
Signature Captain
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