🍎 Support State-Based Universal Healthcare Now!

Yesterday, the State-Based Universal Healthcare Act – H.R.6270 – was reintroduced by U.S. Rep. Ro Khanna. While there are a record number of 28 co-sponsors this year, more U.S. Reps are needed to co-sponsor this bill! If your U.S. Representative is not yet a co-sponsor, please send an email today: https://actionnetwork.org/letters/support-state-based-universal-health-care-now/ … Thank you, Medicare...

🍎 Take this one-click action!

Whole Washington is so excited to have you with us in this fight for single-payer healthcare. We’re still reeling from the success of the UHC presentation, and we must continue to strike while the iron is hot – taking action to support universal single-payer healthcare here in Washington and nationally. If you missed the UHC presentation or the replay,...

🍎 Two Big Things You Gotta Know 🏳️‍🌈

We hope you’re excited for Summer 2023. As you likely realize, we’re not running an initiative campaign this year, but that doesn’t mean we don’t need you. The fight for Universal Healthcare continues, and here are a couple of ways you can show up. First… We’re in the Seattle Pride Parade ⭐This⭐Sunday, June 25th The...

Washington’s Universal Health Care Commission identifies framework for establishing equity

Washington’s Universal Health Care Commission has identified a framework for establishing equity as members consider options for implementing a healthcare coverage system for all residents. The commission was created with the passage of Senate Bill 5399 in 2021 to make healthcare more accessible and affordable for residents. Members voted to implement an equity framework in...

Healing Us

🍎 Healing Us World Premiere! Tacoma, May 19th

Remember last July’s special screening of Healing Us? Did the oppressive heat keep you away? We were in triple digits in Seattle when we first watched the documentary in its final stages. But now it’s complete with the ultimate enhancement: Susan Sarandon’s narration! It was amazing then, and we can’t wait to see it now. With you!...

🍎 NEW! Commission Team – Join now

We have some exciting news. The Commission Team is Forming Now We’re looking for volunteers to join a new team to focus on the WA State Universal Health Care Commission (UHCC) and its progress. The Commission is tasked with making “…the health care system more accessible by increasing access to quality, affordable health care.” That simply isn’t...

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